Event Handling

For models and views, there are several wrapper methods for event handler registration. In contrast to the direct methods, they help prevent memory leakage, because the handlers will be removed correctly once the model or view is disposed. The methods will also be bound to the caller for ease of registration.


Global events use the mediator as an event channel. On most objects in chaplin (including models, views, and controllers), there are shortcuts for manipulating global events. These methods are mixed into eventable objects by way of the EventBroker.

@subscribeEvent 'dispatcher:dispatch', @dispatch
@subscribeEvent '!router:route', -> console.log arguments...
this.subscribeEvent('dispatcher:dispatch', this.dispatch);
this.subscribeEvent('!router:route', console.log.bind(console));

These are aliased to Chaplin.mediator.* with the additional benefit of automatically invoking Chaplin.mediator.unsubscribe in the dispose method of the eventable and providing some small type checking.


In views, the standard model.on way to register a handler for a model event should not be used. Use the memory-saving wrapper listenTo instead:

@listenTo @model, 'add', @doSomething
this.listenTo(this.model, 'add', this.doSomething);

In a model, it’s fine to use on directly as long as the handler is a method of the model itself.

User Input

Most views handle user input by listening to DOM events. Backbone provides the events property to register event handlers declaratively. But this does not work nicely when views inherit from each other and a specific view needs to handle additional events.

Chaplin’s View class provides the delegate method as a shortcut for this.$el.on. It has the same signature as the jQuery 1.7 on method. Some examples:

@delegate 'click', '.like-button', @like
@delegate 'click', '.close-button', @skip
this.delegate('click', '.like-button', this.like);
this.delegate('click', '.close-button', this.skip);

delegate registers the handler at the topmost DOM element of the view (this.el) and catches events from nested elements using event bubbling. You can specify an optional selector to target nested elements.

In addition, delegate automatically binds the handler to the view object, so this points to the view. This means delegate creates a wrapper function which acts as the handler. As a consequence, it’s currently impossible to unbind a specific handler. Please use this.$el.off directly to unbind all handlers of an event type for a selector:

@$el.off 'click', '.like-button'
@$el.off 'click', '.close'
this.$el.off('click', '.like-button');
this.$el.off('click', '.close');

Events catalog

Events that start with ! immediately do something.

  • beforeControllerDispose — emitted before current controller is disposed.
  • dispatcher:dispatch — emitted after controller action has been started.
  • adjustTitle — adjusts window title.
  • router:match — tries to match URL with routes
